My family took our first trip out in our new camper. Naturally, I took the radio along. We were in a private campground on the OH/PA border. Literally on the border. Walking on the street had us in both states at once. It was cool! That said, it wasn’t in a POTA entity by any means. Didn’t mean I couldn’t set up and have some fun.
I didn’t get a picture of the antenna setup. I went with my Chameleon Mil Whip with extension. It takes up very little space and is more manageable than a wire antenna when there are dogs around. Especially big puppies who haven’t figured out how camping works yet.
I didn’t make many contacts. I think it was a combination of when I was on and where I was poking around. I called a bit on phone and didn’t get anything back. FT8 was good for making a few contacts (even a park!). Even though it was a light day, it was still fun to set up and work from the new portable QTH.

There will be a lot more of this during the summer. We have a trip planned that will take us to several parks and near a few that I intend to activate while people are patient with me.
Lots more to come as we move into the summer!