OK, OK, OK… My wife tells me that I have a “Bag Problem.” I like to think of it as having the right tool for the job. That said, I’ve been playing around with a million different configurations of my existing collection to find a good solution to the problem of how to carry the IC-705.
After looking at a ton of pictures of other portable operators’ load-outs, I saw that there was an item that kept showing up. It was a cylinder that was used by some for camera lenses and others for electronics. As it turns out, it’s a “Tactical Water Bottle Holder.”
Yeah. A “Tactical” water bottle holder. And it can hold a bottle of wine, too!
The point is, when I saw it, I knew that it was perfect for the IC-705. I ordered it up and it fit perfectly. There is enough padding to it to protect the radio. It also has enough room for the mic and some other cables. On the front of the bag, there’s a pouch that could hold an antenna tuner like the MAT-705 or a notebook or more cables. Also, it attaches to the side of my sling pack nicely using the molle system on the sling. It’s really a great solution!
One more time… Tactical Water Bottle Holder.

I will definitely share more if I make changes to this. But for now, I’m going to let this solution of the water bottle bag with my Maxpedition Sitka Gearslinger.